The video you are about to watch will serve as an awareness that even the most dangerous animal on earth is ready to lend a hand to others.
Screenshot photo  from YouTube
What happened in the video will surely amazed you as this dangerous animal proved that they can also become a protagonist in the end. King cobras, as we all know, are poisonous and dangerous animals. They prey on some animals that they know aren't capable of fighting against them and they are also capable of killing people.
This is what we’re all expecting if a king cobra saw two puppies which cannot fight back but the video will shock everyone as the king cobra protected the two puppies which fell into the well instead of posting danger to the two little puppies. It guarded them in such a way that the puppies won’t drown. This gallant act of cobra is really praiseworthy!
Watch the report below
Source: sribuotv YouTube Channel
That is why we should never judge animals nor people immediately because they can be a great help in times of need. If you’re a pet lover or an owner, you could actually relate to that of the video because it shows a very important message to everyone, and that is: even a dangerous animal can be a hero too.

03 Dec 2014
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