Jeff Lee known as Master of CD manipulation is an international award
winning magician. Jeff combines his graceful skills as an incredible magician.
Screenshot from: Youtube
Jeff Lee's Achievement
2009 he has been honoured as the world’s greatest magician. His achievements include 
2003 - Competition Seminar Magic in Taipei – Champion
2004 - JCMA (Japan) – Special Award
2004 - The 14th S.A.M Japan International Open – Champion
2007 - South Korea International Magic Competition – Special Award
2008 - United States of America, ABBOTT – Champion
2008 - The 5th Asian Magic Association (AMA) – Champion
2009 - World’s Greatest Magician
2010 - Merlin Award (IMS)
Source:  MAGICweekly.

I'll make sure after you watched the video of Jeff Lee's CD manipulation you will amaze.
Watch the incredible video below
Source: Magic Weekly and YouTube.

26 Oct 2014