According to the Bible, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!”
This is one of the basic principles of man that should be practiced by everyone. It is through giving that we can be prosperous as we are guided by this virtue of kindness.
Screenshot from :YouTube 

Watch the video below on how a simple act of kindness can change your life!

This video is very inspiring because it shows how powerful the effect of giving was. It’s not enough to give something to other people, it is important to make them feel loved through a simple act.

The video shows how a young boy asked his mom to buy a cake for his birthday but her mom could not come up for the money to buy it. But then, someone bought it for the young boy.

After some time, the same situation happened again. But this time, the little boy back then was now a fine young man and is the one who gave back to the person who bought him a cake for his birthday.

Share this viral video with Friends and Spread the LOVE <3
Source: Ripple Youtube Channel

17 Nov 2014