Famous Youtuber SA Wardega with over 2.5 million subscribers in youtube upload a scary Mutant Giant Spider Dog that scares in the dark.

He dressed-up his dog like a giant scary tarantula-dog to scare people.

This video was viral in many social networking sites like twitter, facebook and the likes.
SA Wardega expect that this video can get 10 million view in 1 week, but he was surprised because the video that he uploaded get 33 million views in less than 3 days. This video got 500K likes on youtube with a surprised look on the face!

The dog was named "CHICA THE DOGSPIDER". The owner of the dog created a facebook page for Chica The DogSpider. The fans loves this dog so much. Every minute the fans visit the page just to say the dog was so cute, and he played it well!

The SA Wardega was very thankful to the supporters of the video. The fans loved it that they requested another video starring Chica.

20 Oct 2014