A dog who will stay with you forever or a girlfriend who is not even sure to be with you.

What happened here is an example of choosing permanency over temporary.

Scott Ladauti said, "When she [his girlfriend] gave the ultimatum to choose between their relationship and keeping the dog, it really wasn’t a question. I lived in my car for, like, four days with my dog before my parents would let us come back to their house.
But I would have been homeless with her forever." Being practical has always been the right points in looking for a lifetime partner. Well it looks like it's not yet Mr. Ladauti "right one".

Scott decided straightforwardly and honestly chose his dog over his girlfriend. Any person would do the same if they were about to spend the rest of their lives with the wrong one.
This kind of story thought us that we don't always need a boyfriend/girlfriend, sometimes all we need is just a bestfriend.
Source: thedailypedia

14 Nov 2014