A life without fun is like a life without meaning at all!
That is why we have to forget being serious sometimes and start to do a childish act once in a while.
While browsing the net a while ago, I found one of the craziest video that surely won’t stop you from laughing once you watched it.

Screenshot from Youtube
This group of students decided to prank a jeepney which is trying to pick up some passengers. Can you imagine what they did?
They pretended as passengers who are trying to ride a jeepney, but as the jeepney stopped to pick them up they did something hilarious that no one expected a student can do!
We don’t want to spoil it so better yet watch the video and find it out yourself.
This really made my day as I do not usually see students doing crazy things like this and it might not be funny for some, but personally, acting silly sometimes like those in the video is worth the laugh!

Watch the video below
Source: mangaoang sayson YouTube Channel

24 Nov 2014