Watch how brave this man was as he saved his dog from a very huge python!
Screenshot from Youtube
A dog is a man’s best friend and it will always be.
That is why when a man from India found his pet dog totally halted in the clutches of a very huge python; he did not hesitate to save the poor dog from death by grabbing a branch from the tree and hit the snake, according to the news.
The snake was not sure of what to do at first but then he slowly release the poor dog from the tight grip of the snake’s body as the man continuously use the leafy branch to bang it.
In spite of this, the man also had the courage to film the impressive save.
What is even more amazing here is that, Thank God, the snake did not turn its attention to the man who beat it with the branch.
The snake glide away instead; releasing more of the dog’s body as it loosened. Soon, the dog realized he got away from death, turned away from the snake and barked in relief.
The man who uploaded the video in YouTube also declared that the dog was in good condition after the attack of the snake. The dog was lucky enough because its owner just arrived in time before it was totally crushed to death.
Source: Caters TV YouTube Channel and Kickerdaily

20 Nov 2014